Using a programming language can be an easy task1. Understanding it deeply and mastering it, though, is more challenging. Multiple definitions of the word apply here: demanding and stimulating.

I have been trying to utilize all available features of C++ as much as possible. One that I particularly like is std::optional2. I am fond of its semantics. Here is something that may contain a value, or it may as well contain nothing. This nothing is also known as std::nullopt. std::optional removes the need of returning raw pointers and relying on comparisons with nullptr in order to check if the return value of a function is valid or not.

I must say I have not been using std::optional extensively, so I am yet to discover all its edges. But recently, I had to interact with it a little more and learned something along the way.

The Pseudocode

Let’s start by writing a small example to describe my thought process.

#include <string>
#include <optional>

std::optional<std::string> ParseMessage(const std::string& msg)
    if (msg.empty())
        return std::nullopt;
    return msg;

int main()
    auto myMsg = ParseMessage("Hello World");

The most explicit way to print the above message is:

if (myMsg.has_value())
    std::cout << myMsg.value() << "\n";

Of course, in this small example, we could have skipped the check. But in the real world, we always have to ensure that the value is there. Otherwise, an exception – when using .value() – or undefined behavior – when directly dereferencing the std::optional – is on the table.

Knowing all these, I filled my code with .has_value() and .value() calls. I knew it was correct, but it was also quite cumbersome. There must have been an easier way to write this.

Looking online, I saw some examples that were doing something akin to:

if (myMsg)
    std::cout << *myMsg << "\n";

This is what I was looking for. Not only is this a lot simpler to write, but it permits you to reuse old code that uses the nullptr-for-no-value pattern, just by changing the type from T* to std::optional<T> in the code.

Equipped with my newly found knowledge, I removed all calls to has_value() and replaced all calls to value() with direct dereferencing using operator*.

The Surprise

Unfortunately, I was greeted with a compiler error.

error: cannot convert 'std::optional<T>' to 'bool'

The code in question was trying to do something like the following:

void Check(bool value);

void Run()

The message was clear. But why did it not work? Converting to a bool in the condition of the if statement is certainly possible.

The Truth

It turns out – as always – this is all by design. To answer my questions, I had to read the available specification on a little more carefully.

When an object of type optional<T> is contextually converted to bool 3, the conversion returns true if the object contains a value and false if it does not contain a value.

I was not sure what “contextually” meant, so I followed the link, and I was presented with the following introductory text.

Implicit conversions are performed whenever an expression of some type T1 is used in context that does not accept that type, but accepts some other type T2; in particular:

  • when the expression is used as the argument when calling a function that is declared with T2 as parameter;
  • when the expression is used as an operand with an operator that expects T2;
  • when initializing a new object of type T2, including return statement in a function returning T2;
  • when the expression is used in a switch statement (T2 is integral type);
  • when the expression is used in an if statement or a loop (T2 is bool).

It seemed to explain my situation. The last bullet must be what permits the usage of std::optional in if statements.

But wait a minute.

The first bullet should cover the function parameter scenario, too. Obviously, this was not the case. I was missing something.

The magic word is “implicit”.

The std::optional class defines the following conversion function to bool:

constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept

It is clearly marked as explicit, so implicit conversions do not consider it.

I thought to myself:

How, then, does the conversion to ‘bool’ take place in the ‘if’ condition?

I had to keep reading. Further below was the answer to my question about the meaning of “contextually”.

Contextual conversions

In the following contexts, the type ‘bool’ is expected and the implicit conversion is performed if the declaration ‘bool t(e)’ is well-formed (that is, an explicit conversion function such as ‘explicit T::operator bool() const’ is considered). Such expression ‘e’ is said to be contextually converted to bool.

Since C++11:

  • the controlling expression of if, while, for
  • the operands of the built-in logical operators !, && and ||
  • the first operand of the conditional operator ?:
  • the predicate in a static_assert declaration
  • the expression in a noexcept specifier

Since C++20:

  • the expression in an explicit specifier

It turns out that, when a boolean expression is required for defining a condition – one would say, in a conditional context –, explicit conversion functions to bool are considered as well.

The Lesson

I don’t want to focus on the minefield that is modern C++ syntax and rules. People smarter and more knowledgeable than me have expressed, and will continue to express, their opinions on the language. All I want to say is that, as a deeply inquiring mind, I was quite fascinated to discover this little sub-rule, which ultimately expanded my knowledge.

  1. Depending on which one you pick, of course. 

  2. See…/optional

  3. See…/language/implicit_conversion